Explore the Practitioner Ecosystem

Find articles, books, podcasts, and other resources that can help acquaint practitioners, professors, and interested parties with the faith and entrepreneurship movement.

Organizations to Explore

Faith Driven Entrepreneur and Faith Driven Investor are sister networks dedicated to connecting people around the world. With extensive libraries of blog posts and podcasts, FDE and FDI also host annual conferences with world-renown speakers from diverse industries.

OCEAN is an accelerator that in addition to hosting an annual conference, serves as a launching ground for new ventures seeking high growth.

Praxis also maintains a vast pool of resources, including a podcast (Redemptive Edge) and library of books and articles written by academics and practitioners, in addition to serving as an entrepreneurial accelerator.

The Center for Faith and Work is an all-in resource for academic and practitioner audiences that offers workshops and informational resources to help bridge the “Sunday-Monday” gap.

The Denver Institute for Faith and Work is an educational organization focused on building a network of professionals looking to integrate their faith and work. It houses an extensive library of blog posts and podcast episodes, hosts regular conferences and events, and has a fellowship training program.

Our Database

We are compiling an ever-growing database of faith and entrepreneurship-related resources.

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L.I.F.E Team